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Your Timeless Journey Awaits...

Creating Ocean Guardians For a Better Tomorrow

Timeless Africa Safaris sponsored 34 learners’ participation in the I Am Water two-day Ocean Guarding Workshop. We did this on behalf of our Africa Ambassadors – our global network of guests and friends who share their love of Africa and encourage fellow travellers to visit this wonderful continent.

It is a true honour to have a global network who supports this continent and we thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this wonderful initiative in their name.

I Am Water Ocean Conservation is an innovative non-profit organization that is working tirelessly to inspire Cape Town’s next generation to become guardians of our precious oceans.

Together, we can create a brighter future for this magnificent continent.


We wanted to do something meaningful to honour our Africa Ambassadors; something that would make a real difference. As this year’s tribute, 34 learners from Pelican Park Primary joined the I Am Water Ocean Guardians 2-day workshop.

What we love about this special project is that it is educating children living on the coasts of Cape Town about one of the city’s most precious resources. I Am Water is also creating jobs in a nation facing an unemployment crisis. In fact, many of I Am Water’s staff went through this program when they were kids.

Empowering our next gen to fall in love with the ocean

The Ocean Guardians Workshop

The mission is clear: The ocean is a gift. Let’s look after it together. We invite you to watch the video and see the ripple effects.


“The biggest change that I see in the kids that take part? They fall in love with what they see and because you fall in love with something you naturally want to protect it.” – I Am Water Program Leader

The Impact

Any time someone chooses to travel to Africa it is a win for local communities, the environment and wildlife, as tourism directly funds conservation efforts and upliftment programmes.

It is a true honour to have a global network that supports this continent and we thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this wonderful initiative in their name.

What does it mean to be an Africa Ambassador?

Being an Ambassador for Africa simply means being intentional about how you share your love for Africa with the world.

We can be ambassadors for Africa, even if we don’t live on the continent. It’s a passion to protect Africa and its wildlife and communities that qualifies and calls us to the job. We can promote this beautiful continent’s interests by sharing our love for Africa with others and encouraging people to experience its beauty first-hand. We can also support African-based businesses and initiatives that are working to create positive change.

How to become an Africa Ambassador:

Together, we’re not just exploring Africa, we’re preserving it for future generations. Travel with purpose. Join us as an Africa Ambassador and be a part of this incredible journey.

Step 1: Travel to & fall in love with Africa 🌍
Step 2: Share your love of the experience you had with one other person 🔄
Step 3: Keep sharing 😊

In this article
  • Introduction
  • Why?
  • Empowering our next gen to fall in love with the ocean
  • The impact
  • What does it mean to be an Africa Ambassador?
  • How to become an Africa Ambassador:

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